- [14 Jan 25]
- ColorHints 3.2 is now available. Changes include:
- Additional iOS 18 compatibility improvements
- The Palette tab now indicates the source type of the palette (color wheel, photo, or web page)
- Minor user interface improvements
- The tab bar background color now matches the user preference
- RGB and CMYK values are colorized
- Fixed issues causing some information to be invisible when user preference is a white background
- When choosing a color from the palette editor color wheel, the RGB value is now displayed
- Remembered web pages improved when getting photographs from web pages
- Color search control placement improved on some devices
- Minor changes to About tab
- Other minor bug fixes
- [ 8 Dec 24]
- Version 3.1 of ColorHints was released today. Changes include:
- A delete "—" button now exists to remove photographs in the Project editor
- Compatibility with iOS 18 was improved
- The ICON for getting a photo from your photo library was changed to a standard ICON

- When ColorHints is restarted, it now continues in the tab you were last using
- When switching between palette types, changes to the palette name/comment are no longer lost
- A privacy statement is now available via the About tab
- Fixed an issue that could to lead to a crash when creating a new palette
- Sharing Palettes, Swatch, and Projects using Save to files now works correctly
- A few other bugs were fixed
- [17 Feb 24]
- ColorHints 3.0.10 was released today. Changes are as follows:
- Better compatibility with iOS 17
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when dragging and dropping a row in Palettes or Swatches
- Fixed an issue where rows of information could disappear when scrolling Search results
- Minor appearance improvements
- [17 Jan 23]
- Version 3.0.9 of ColorHints was released today. This version provides better compatibility with iOS16 and fixes a couple of bugs.
- [ 7 Jan 22]
- ColorHints 3.0.7 provides better compatibility with iOS 15. A couple of bugs were also fixed.
- [27 Feb 21]
- Version 3.0.6 of ColorHints was released today. This version has better compatibility with iOS 14. Along the way we found and squashed a few bugs too.
- [ 2 Oct 20]
- The Timeless Treasures resources are not correctly linking to the Timeless Treasures web site and were removed today.
- [ 6 Apr 20]
- The Timeless Treasure swatch collections were updated today.
- [ 3 Nov 19]
- Color Hints 3.0.5 was released. This is a maintenance release that fixes some bugs, include a couple that in rare instances could cause a crash.
- [19 Jul 19]
- Updated the Timeless Treasure swatch collections
- [ 4 Jan 19]
- Updated the Timeless Treasure swatch collections
- [ 6 Sep 18]
- Updated the Timeless Treasure swatch collections
- [31 May 18]
- Version 3.0.3 of Color Hints was released today. This is a bug fix release.
- [26 Mar 18]
- Version 3.0 of Color Hints was released today. Changes include:
- Support for iPhone X
- iOS 11 drag and drop support
- Updated help
- Bug fixes
- [31 Dec 17]
- The Timeless Treasures resource page was updated today
- [ 6 Apr 17]
- The resources page was updated today
- Swatch collections for DMC thread (and JP Coats equivalents) and Dimensions (and DMC equivalents) thread were added today. These collections can be downloaded to your copy of Color Hints.
- The Timeless Treasures collections were updated today. Click here to see all of the Timeless Treasure collections available to download.
- [ 9 Feb 17]
- Version 2.5 of Color Hints is now available. Changes include:
- Improved help
- New tutorials are announced in the app
- Better iOS 10 compatibility
- Bug fixes
- [ 9 Nov 16]
- The Timeless Treasures collections were updated today.
- [ 3 May 16]
- Version 2.4.4 of Color Hints is now available. Changes to this version include:
- Quick action short cuts on iPhone 6s and 6s+
- A new setting to automatically save photographs taken in Color Hints to the camera roll
- When adjusting the photograph for a swatch, you can now crop the photograph
- Minor bug fixes
- [29 Apr 16]
- The Timeless Treasures collections were updated today.
- [17 Oct 15]
- Color Hints 2.4.2 is now available in the App Store. This version provides better compatibility with iOS 9, including split screen and slide over on iPads.
- [31 Aug 15]
- The Timeless Treasures downloadable resources were updated to match the current Timeless Treasures web site.
- [28 Aug 15]
- A new tutorial Quilt Design using Color Hints and Color Hints Mosaic is available. Click to open in a new window
- [27 Aug 15]
- Color Hints 2.4.1 is now available in the App Store. This version corrects an issue, that under some circumstances, caused the match counts in the search results to be incorrect.
- [12 Aug 15]
- Color Hints 2.4 is now available in the App Store. Changes include:
- Search tab improved to provide more control over the matches that are displayed. See the tutorial
- Multiple bugs that could cause crashes were fixed
- Some tabs had occasional layout issues that were fixed
- [28 May 15]
- Color Hints 2.3.1 is now available in the App Store. This version accepts Mosaics directly from Color Hints Mosaic
- [13 May 15]
- The Resources and Timeless Treasures Collections are updated
- [10 May 15]
- Color Hints 2.3 is now available in the iTunes Store.
- [ 3 Apr 15]
- Color Hints 2.3 is now in beta test. If you would like to participate in testing, please contact us at
- [ 5 Mar 15]
- We are looking for beta testers for the next version of Color Hints. We will be using Apple's TestFlight to manage beta testing. Anyone interested should contact us at
- [ 4 Nov 14]
- Color Hints 2.2.1 was released. Changes include:
- Save Results to Project in Search no longer saves grayed out items (due to dynamic search criteria)
- Bug fix: in some cases Search to appeared to never complete
- Bug fix: Palette/Swatch/Project collection counts to not update properly
- Bug fix: Sometimes Search results disappeared (required tapping Perform Search again)
- [24 Oct 14]
- Color Hints 2.2 was released. Changes include:
- Crash on initial startup fixes
- Can now create swatches based on images found on web pages
- Improved color analysis of photographs
- Most recently visited web page is now available as a bookmark
- Performance improvements when a large number of palettes/swatches/images/projects are in the database
- Other user interface enhancements
- Swatch thumbnails automatically update when image downloads complete
- Various minor tweaks positioning data in tables
- Search now shows the matching score (for sorting) as well as the number of matches
- Preference to control auto-selection of frequently occurring colors
- Other Bug fixes
- Certain downloaded images could fail
- Search fixes, including some rare cases causing crashes
- Analysis of some images created bogus results (nothing like the actual image)
- Taking multiple Swatch photos on an iPhone could not be canceled
- Editing swatches had some revert issues
- Reduced memory usage
- Incorrectly showed "Image not available" for swatches that don't have images
- Search results now update correctly based on changes elsewhere in Color Hints
- Attempt to catch crashing errors at startup seen by a few users
- Fixed a crashing bug that could occur if an image download timed-out
- When editing a palette, changing one color could change multiple if the colors started out as the same color
- Edge swiping between tabs could end up with mostly black screen and edge swipes disabled
- When running on iOS8, swatch thumbnails sometimes could become corrupted
- When running on iOS8, search results table could become unresponsive under certain circumstances
- When editing a color wheel based palette, selecting white, gray, or black could get the wrong color
- [21 Aug 14]
- Color Hints 2.1 was released. Changes include:
- New Swatch collections available here
- A new FAQ was added in the help section
- Improved help for the search results
- Jump to top and bottom of search results buttons added
- Improved handling of imported Swatch collections
- Added Google+ button on About tab
- Added dynamic filtering of search colors
- New thumbnails are now cropped to fit rather than distorted to fit
- On an iPhone or iPod Touch: search results are now shown with the search criteria
- Bug fix: changing palettes in search didn't invalidate the results
- Bug fix: fixed problems with scrolling of photograph colors
- Bug fix: fixed Revert in web page based palettes
- Bug fix: Images are now scaled properly when editing a Swatch
- [16 Jul 14]
- Color Hints 2.0.1 was released. Changes include:
- Color Hints is no longer unresponsive when importing palettes, swatches and projects. Also shows a busy indicator while importing.
- A vertical pan gesture can be used to adjust luminosity of a palette color
- On an iPad, gestures can be used to adjust red, green, and blue values of a palette color
- On an iPad, palette colors can be chosen from the colors found in the photograph
- When deleting a collection, the confirmation prompt now includes the collection name
- Added a link to the Color Hints Facebook page in the About tab
- Zoom setting is maintained across actions in Photo palette editor
- Bug fix: revert problem in the color wheel palette editor
- Bug fix: search results did not automatically update under some circumstances
- Bug fix: searching palettes sometimes showed Swatches for results
- Bug fixes: Long press color selection when creating a Palette from a photo failed with some photographs
- [10 Jul 14]
- Color Hints tutorials were updated to reflect version 2.0
- [ 5 Jul 14]
- FAQ added: When I sort my search results, sometimes the table shows items with 3 matches before items with 4 or 5 matches. Why does this happen?
- [27 June 14]
- Color Hints now has a Facebook page.
- [12 June 14]
- Version 2.0 of Color Hints was released in the iTunes store today. New features include:
- The photographs in the Coordinate tab is replaced by Swatches and Search tabs
- Projects were added. Projects collect a set of photographs, palettes, swatches and notes to help you organize a project
- Palettes, Swatches, and Projects can be organized into collections
- The Coordinate function is replaced by a Search tab
- Palettes and Swatches can now be posted to twitter, facebook and other social media.
- Palettes, Swatches, and Projects can be imported from web pages
- The number of palettes, swatches, and projects is only limited by the space available on your iPhone or iPad
- Numerous bug fixes