Help: Search


What is Search?

Search allows you to match colors from Palettes or Swatches. Simply choose colors from a Palette or Swatch to search for and then choose whether to search in Palettes or Swatches for those colors.

search tab

The Search tab

To start a Search, first choose whether the Search will be based on colors from a Palette or a Swatch by tapping one side of the Palette | Swatch control. Next choose the Palette or Swatch colors to base the Search on by tapping the detail ICON button to the right of the Palette | Swatch control. A subset of colors can be selected by tapping on the colors displayed below the Palette | Swatch.

Next choose whether the Search should look for the selected colors in either Swatches or Palettes by tapping that section of the "Search in" Palettes | Swatches. The search will normally search all Palette or Swatch collections. However, the Search may be restricted to a single collection by tapping the detail ICON button to the right of the Palettes | Swatches button.

Tap the Perform Search to start the Search. Results of the Search will appear below the Perform Search on an iPad. On other devices, the results will overlay the Search controls. The header of the results table will indicate the number of items found. The symbols below the colors in the results table indicate how well the colors match the colors being searched for.

iPad Search Results

iPad Search Results

Editing: Rearranging and deleting entries from the results

Use the sort buttons sort ascending ICON sort descending ICON to sort the results by most matches. The button will turn green when that sort direction was chosen. Sort uses a heuristic to rank the search results. Sort gives more weight to exact matches than different tone matches while different tone matches are weighted more heavily than similar matches. Also, a match that is the last color of a sample has less weight than one that is one of first few colors of a sample.

Note that sort will override any rearrangement previously done using Edit.

The Edit button in the tool bar of the Search results table allows results to be removed or their order rearranged Click the Edit button when finished editing.

Saving Search results

The results of a Search can be saved to a Project by tapping the Save results on the Search tab toolbar. Choose an existing Project or create a new one by tapping the + button. The save will add the Palette or Swatch being searched for as well as those Palettes or Swatches currently in the results table.

Dynamic filtering Search results

Search results can be dynamically filtered by tapping individual colors in the "Search for" colors. When a color is selected, it is highlighted. Tapping it again will deselect the color. Using a two finger tap will select all colors, or if all are already selected, it will deselect all colors. All colors selected and no colors selected will produce identical results.

Double tapping the "Search for" colors will show all the colors that will fit on the screen. Colors can be selected or deselected by tapping each one. Multiple colors can be selected or deselected by dragging a finger across the colors. The Select All and Deselect All (All and None on an iPhone) are quick ways to select or deselect all colors.

Tap Done to use your selection. The Revert will return to the original color selection.

Search results can also be filtered by color match types. By tapping the symbols in the results header, you can turn off and on the display of items that contain those matches.

The search results are automatically updated to reflect the colors selected or deselected and the match types selected.

Search with filtering screenshot

Search with filtering

Short cuts