RumorMill Setup Documentation

More Settings

The More Settings window allows the system administrator configure more of the preferences in RumorMill.

Screen shot of More Settings window

SysLog IP Address: If SysLog reporting is desired, this preferences specifies the IP address (not host name) that SysLog reports should be sent to as they are generated. There must be a SysLog server (or daemon) running at the specified address for this to work. Further, no error messages will be generated if the specified SysLog server is not available.

SysLog Port: In case of a non-standard installation at your site, the SysLog port can be changed through through this preference. The standard port number 514.

SysLog Priority: This preference specifies the level of reports that are sent to the SysLog server. The SysLog standard settings are as follows:

Do not use SysLog
The severe level of error only
Emergency plus one less severe level of error
Everthing from Alerts plus critical
Everything above plus errors
Everything above plus the warnings
Everything above plus notices
Everything above plus information
Everything including debug information (detailed logging)
At present, RumorMill only sends Emergency, Error, Information, and Debug type log entries.

Background quantum (1/60 sec): The Background quantum preference allows the system administrator to control how much of the processor RumorMill will consume when it is running as a background application. Whenever RumorMill runs and is a background application, it will attempt to limit itself to the specified number of one-sixtyths of a second.

Foreground quantum (1/60) sec: The Foreground quantum preference allows the system administrator to control how much of the processor RumorMill will consume when it is running as the front most (selected) application. Whenever RumorMill runs as the selected application, it will attempt to limit itself to the specified number of one-sixtyths of a second.

Expiration quantum (1/60) sec: The Expiration quantum preference allows the system administrator to control how much of the processor RumorMill will consume when it is running expiration processing. Expiration processing runs as a separate thread in RumorMill, so while active, RumorMill could consume this quantum plus more (background or forground quantum).

Enable group list cache: RumorMill can cache a large data structure related to groups (a group list cache) in memory to offer better performance. If the number of groups in your database is large, this can consume a large amount of RAM. (In general RumorMill will work fairly well if the status window reports 2MB or more of available RAM.) RumorMill will automatically disable the group list cache if there is insufficient RAM available. This setting can also be used to disable the group list cache.

XPAT/PAT permitted: The system administrator can enable or disable the XPAT command. This is a search command available to clients that can consume considerable amounts of the processor when issued by clients.

User Header: This preference allows the system administrator to insert a header into every article posted into the database. Note that "posted" refers to locally generated articles that a client added rather than articles received from a newsfeed.

The header must start with "X-" and must include a ": " or RumorMill will refuse to insert the specified header into the articles.

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