RumorMill 1.3 Advanced Commands

Copyright © 1996-2002, Jim Calvin.


RumorMill ICON Updated to reflect RumorMill version 1.3.4


This documentation describes, in great detail, the RumorMill NNTP server. This documentation is not an introduction or overview text. This text is intended for users who require additional insight into how RumorMill functions, or those users wishing to configure RumorMill without using the RumorMill Setup application.



Changing Preferences

Moderated Newsgroups

Managing the groups

RumorMill as an EMail <-> News Gateway

Virtual Groups

User Groups

Adding articles to the database from local files

Advanced Functions in RumorMill

Detailed information Thanks!


RumorMill has support for authentication. While configuring users is best done from RumorMill Setup, here are the details on setting up user names and passwords for authentication.

You can set a preference called Require Login. When this is set, clients can connect (assuming they aren't blocked for other reasons, like Site Restrictions), but cannot get group lists until they have issued:

authinfo user <username>
authinfo pass <password>

(Same format for authinfo as INN.)

The commands:

XAUTHINFO ADD <username> READONLY | POSTOK <read user-group index> <post user-group index> <password>
XAUTHINFO MODIFY <username> READONLY | POSTOK <read user-group index> <post user-group index> <password>

... are available as soon as you issue XPASS, and their function is described elsewhere in this document.

MT-Newswatcher and YA-Newswatcher were used to try out the authentication stuff and it worked well with 'Always Authenticate'.

Changing Preferences

Below are three examples of change RumorMill preferences. A full listing of RumorMill preferences appears below.

Example 1: Getting and Setting Article Expiration Period

xpref set
389 Send preference data; end with <crlf>.<crlf>
Article Expiration Period
288 Preference updated
xpref set
389 Send preference data; end with <crlf>.<crlf>
Flood Interval

The exceptions, which must also be retrieved specially are the Site Restrictions Masks, the list of Newsfeeds and the list of Newsgroups.

Example 2: Getting and Setting Site Restrictions Masks


xpref get Site Address Restrictions
288 Preference data follows
Name:Site Address Restrictions
Description:Site address restrictions


xpref set
389 Send preference data; end with <crlf>.<crlf>
Site Address Restrictions
288 Preference updated

Results and masks are separated by tabs and each entry should be on a separate line.

Example 3: Getting and Setting Newsfeeds

Get :

xpref get Remote Servers
288 Preference data follows
Name:Remote Servers
Description:Remote Server description record
hostType:DownStream Pull

Set :

xpref set
389 Send preference data; end with <crlf>.<crlf>
Remote Servers     zimblebunnyhostpathalias
Pull DownStream


288 Preference updated

host Name: should be a full host name or IP address. An optional host path alias may follow the host name, but it must be separated from the host name by a tab. This is useful if an upstream (or pull) newsfeed inserts something other than the hostname into the "Path:" header.
host Types:  (UpStream or Pull) and/or DownStream.
groupsTo:  (Send/Exclude /Pull): This is a list of groups to Send, Exclude or Pull from this host. You can use *, ? and ! to pattern match. (See the RumorMill Documentation for more explanation of this pattern matching.) Groups in a list should be comma separated. Note that blank lines are significant when setting groups.

It is possible to provide a user name and password for authentication for remote servers. This is particularly useful when pulling articles from a server that requires authentication.

In addition, one can specify the pull and flood intervals for each remote server. If these intervals are not specified (or set to zero), the defaults ("Pull interval" and "Flood Interval") are used.

Removing a host:

xpref set
389 Send preference data; end with <crlf>.<crlf>
Remote Servers
288 Preference updated

Moderated Newsgroups

RumorMill has support for moderated groups. A group can be labeled as moderated when you create it simply by appending a trailing ' m' e.g.:

340 send groups followed by <CR-LF>.<CR-LF> m
241 groups added

215 list of newsgroups follows 0 0 m

Normally when a newsgroup is moderated no one can post to it unless there is an Approved: field in the article. If someone posts and there is not an approved field, the newsserver e-mails the article to the moderator (via the EMail submission address).

The EMail submission address can be set using for a group as follows.

xgroup set moderator
211 group moderator set

For more details, see the text on setting/getting a group's moderator.

Remember that the SMTP host preference must be set to point to an SMTP server in order for articles to be sent to the moderator. Queued mail is kept in the "Queued EMail" folder within the "Databases" folder.

Managing the groups

Groups can be managed remotely. The following information describes the basics for managing news groups with RumorMill.

The news group list

215 list of newsgroups follows
alt.answers 0 0 y
alt.ascii-art 0 0 y 0 0 y

Adding groups via XADDLIST

340 send groups followed by <CR-LF>.<CR-LF>
sci.physics.accelerators m
sci.physics.particle m
sci.physics.research m
241 groups added

Removing groups via XRMGROUP

xrmgroup alt.ascii-art
281 Group deleted

Create Groups and Save Groups menu commands

There are two menu commands in RumorMill that also deal with maintaining news groups. These are the Create Groups and Save Groups commands. Create Groups reads a file of group data (as written by Save Groups, or an ASCII text file of group names, one per line. When Create Groups is processing a file, any group name appearing in the file that already exists as a group in the database is ignored.

Save Groups writes a text file in a particular format that allows Create Groups to restore all information about a group, including:

RumorMill as an EMail <-> News Gateway

RumorMill can act as a simple News to EMail and EMail to News gateway. To configure the News -> EMail half of the gateway, use the XGROUP SET EXPLODER command to indicate the EMail list for each group that you would like forwarded via EMail. A user defined header may also be added to outgoing EMail articles. (Note that the SMTP Host and Sys AdminEMail Addr preferences must also be configured properly.)

To configure the EMail -> News half of the gateway, one must configure RumorMill with the following preferences set to valid values:

Optionally, the EMail Map preference may also be necessary if you are receiving EMail that does not have newsgroups specified as a header.

When the POP parameters are properly configured, and the EMail Add Reply-To preference is enabled, the News -> EMail part of the gateway can automatically add a header such as:
Reply-To: <POP Account>@<POP Host>

One can set the period at which RumorMill will check for incoming EMail.

The News <-> EMail gateway feature has some limitations. They include:

Virtual Groups

Virtual groups is a new capability that allows a system administrator to configure RumorMill to have thousands of groups with only a subset of those groups active. This feature provides the capability of appearing to support many groups while maintaining articles for only those in active use.

When the virtual group capability is enabled (see the Enable Virtual Groups preference), groups are either active or virtual. Only active groups will pull or accept new articles from a news feed. Groups which are virtual may have articles in them, but no new articles are added while the group is virtual.

Groups transition from virtual to active and back based on references to each group. Every time a client attempts to look at a group (the GROUP command is issued), a counter associated with the group is incremented. When that counter equals or exceeds the value of the Virtual Group Threshold preference, the group becomes active. Each evening RumorMill will decrement the counter associated with the group. If the counter drops below the Virtual Group Threshold, the group will become virtual.

The system administrator may also mark selected groups as permanently active. This can be done using the XGROUP SET PERM command described elsewhere.

The XINITVIRTUAL command may also be used by the system administrator to automatically create a large number of groups. Since there is no way to remove large numbers of groups, this command should be used with great care, and only after the Virtual Group Filter preference is setup.

Please note: The RumorMill Setup application has not yet been updated to support virtual groups. Also note that the Setup application will not support more than about 1,300 groups in the database.

User-Group Access Control

In some cases, system administrators may wish to user a finer level of control over which users may read from and post to groups. Requiring login for any use, or to be able to post provides one level of control.

Version 1.3 of RumorMill provides capabilities to limit which groups users may read from and/or post to. The sysadmin may create a set of "User Group descriptions." Each user group simply contains the following:
  A unique user-group index (small integer)
  A name; provided for the user and is not used by RumorMill
  A list of group names, e.g., "comp.sys.mac.*,rec.bicycle.*"
  A flag saying whether the specified group list is to be EXCLUDEd or PERMITted

Each user has two such associated descriptions, one for read limitations, and one for posting limitations. So if a user's read limitations were set to "permit" "local.*", then that reader could only read groups that began with "local."

However, if the user's group description was set to "exclude" "local.*," then the user would be able to read all news groups other than those starting with "local." The posting limitations work exactly the same way.

Users not logged in (authenticated) are automatically defaulted to user group description with an index 0 (zero) for reading and 1 (one) for posting. By using these "special" user group descriptions, guest, or non-authenticated users can also be restricted.

User groups can be accessed using the "User Groups" and "User" dialogs in the Setup Application

The following commands (via Telnet) can be used to configure user group descriptions.

XUSERGROUP ADD <user-group index> EXCLUDE | PERMIT <user-group name><cr>
<group list>

XUSERGROUP DELETE <user-group index>

returns the following for each user-group
<user-group index> PERMIT | EXCLUDE <user-group name>
<group list><cr>

The list ends with <cr>.<cr>

The commands for assigning these user-groups to users are located elsewhere in this document.

Adding articles to the database from local files

There may be times, such as recovering from a mis-configuration, that the system administrator will want to add articles to the database from articles already on the local disk. RumorMill has a feature to allow this.

Periodically (see this preference) RumorMill will scan the folder "Articles to Inject" for visible files. Any visible file found in that folder will be opened and treated as a single article. The article will be subjected to the standard checks for incoming articles and if the article is valid and newsgroups match, it will be inserted into the local database. The article will be forewarded to remote servers as prescribed by preference settings.

After each file is processed, it is moved to the trash can.

Advanced Functions in RumorMill

RumorMill has a number of features which are not currently accessible from RumorMill

Setup. These features can be accessed via a telnet application such as Nifty Telnet.

To connect, open your telnet application and telnet to your host on port 119. In Nifty Telnet enter:

When you connect there are three modes you can be in: normal client, unauthorized client or administrator. When Require Login is true (non-zero) a client which connects and has not yet issued the AUTHINFO instructions can only issue the following commands:

  AUTHINFO USER <username> | PASS <password>
  XPASS <password>

An authorized client can use the following commands:

  ARTICLE [MessageID | Number]
  AUTHINFO USER <username> | PASS <password>
  BODY [MessageID | Number]
  HEAD [MessageID | Number]
  GROUP newsgroup
  LISTGROUP [newsgroup]
  NEWGROUPS [yy]yymmdd hhmmss ["GMT"]
  NEWNEWS newsgroups [yy]yymmdd hhmmss ["GMT"]
  PAT header range | MessageID [pat]
  STAT [MessageID | Number]
  XGTITLE [wildmat]
  XHDR header [range | MessageID]
  XOVER | OVER [range]
  XROVER [range]
  XPASS <password>
  XPAT header range | MessageID [pat]

Most of these commands are used by newsreaders in the course of reading articles. Special commands that are used to configure RumorMill are listed below.

There are a set of commands that are only available to clients that are configured at peers, that is as a site that can upload articles to your server. Of the command listed below, CHECKTHIS and TAKETHIS are only available if you allow streaming and the client has issued the MODE STREAM command.

  CHECKTHIS <Message ID>
  IHAVE <Message ID>
  TAKETHIS <Message ID>

If you issue the command:

   xpass <adminpassword>

...then you can switch into the administration mode and the administration commands will be available. (Note, the admin password can be configured in the Security window of RumorMill Setup. You do not need to issue the admin password if you are connecting to a copy RumorMill which is running on the same from which you are telneting.) The additional Administration commands you can use are:

  XADDLIST <group names>
  XDELETEARTICLE <message ID> | [range]
  XAUTHINFO ADD <username> READONLY | POSTOK <read user-group index> <post user-group index> <password> 
  XAUTHINFO MODIFY <username> READONLY | POSTOK <new password> <read user-group index> <post user-group index> <new password>
  XCOMPACTDB <db flags>
  XCTL EXECUTE <message-id>
  XCTL FORGET <message-id>
  XGROUP SET DESCRIPTION <group name> <description>
  XGROUP GET EXPIRY <group name>
  XGROUP SET EXPIRY <group name> <expiration period in days>
  XGROUP GET EXPLODER <group name>
  XGROUP SET EXPLODER <group name> <EMail address(es) to mail postings>
  XGROUP SET MODERATOR <group name> <Group submission EMail address>
  XKILL connection_index | -1
  XPREF GET <preference name>
  XRMGROUP <group>
  XUSERGROUP ADD <user-group inde> EXCLUDE | PERMIT <name><cr><group list><cr>.<cr>
  XUSERGROUP DELETE <user-group index>
  XMAKEFWD <remote host name>

Each of these are explained below.

Administration Commands


To restrict access beyond simple Site Restrictions Masks you can require users to have passwords by setting Require Login to non-zero. See Require Login for a description of the valid settings for this preference. Use XPREF SET as described above to change the setting. When Users connect they will not be able to access group lists and retrieve commands until they have issued authinfo commands:

xpref set
389 Send preference data; end with <crlf>.<crlf>
Require Login
288 Preference updated


This command causes to RumorMill to unconditionally exit. No effort is made to gracefully disconnect connections or complete in-progress operations before exiting.


XAUTHINFO ADD <username> READONLY | POSTOK <read user-group index> <post user-group index> <password>

This command simply adds users that are valid for the AUTHINFO command. The READONLY or POSTOK token states whether the user may post articles (at all). The user-group indices specify the set of groups this user may read from and post to.

xauthinfo add jem readonly 0 1 jempass
281 User added

authinfo user jem
381 User name accepted, follow with PASS

authinfo pass jempass 
281 User authenticated


Deletes existing users from the system.
xauthinfo delete jem
281 User deleted


Lists the set of valid users in the system. Note that the passwords are returned in a scrambled form.

XAUTHINFO MODIFY <username> READONLY | POSTOK <read user-group index> <post user-group index> <password>

Use MODIFY to change either the password or posting capability for an existing user. If you don't wish to change the password, send the password received via XAUTHINFO LIST and pre-pend a chr(1) on the front of the password.

xauthinfo modify jem readonly 0 1 jemnewpass
281 User password changed

XCTL Commands

XCTL EXECUTE <message-id>

XCTL FORGET <message-id>


These commands are used to list and manage control articles that create and delete newsgroups. Disposition of control articles is managed by the preferences Admin OKs Group Deletes and Admin OKs New Groups.

To process the list, send XCTL LIST and hang on to the reply. Each line is the article ID of an article that has a control field in it. You can then send ARTICLE <id> to retrieve the article. If it isn't returned, send XCTL FORGET <id>. If it is returned, read the article (it's supposed to have the reasons etc. for creating/deleting the group). Then issue:

XCTL EXECUTE <id> to do the add/delete, or

XCTL FORGET <id> to remove the article from the queue of deferred msgs without processing the control header of the article.

Also, if the EMail Control Msgs preference is set to non-zero, the system administrator will receive an EMail for each such deferred or processed article. The message-ID can be copied from these messages and used in the XCTL EXECUTE or XCTL FORGET commands. (Remember that the SMTP Host and Sys Admin EMail Addr must also be set for this feature to work.)


The xlog command toggles logging to the telnet connection.


285 Logging to this connection
1997/ 6/28 15:20:30 [3] Pulling from
1997/ 6/28 15:20:32 [3] Pull completed, msgs = 0, rejects = 0
1997/ 6/28 15:23:39 [4] Pulling from
1997/ 6/28 15:23:41 [4] Pull completed, msgs = 0, rejects = 0
1997/ 6/28 15:24:27 [5] Client ( connect
1997/ 6/28 15:24:41 *** Password accepted ***
1997/ 6/28 15:24:42 [6] Pulling from
1997/ 6/28 15:25:48 [6] Pull completed, msgs = 0, rejects = 0
1997/ 6/28 15:26:16  group "" added via XADDLIST
1997/ 6/28 15:26:16  group "" added via XADDLIST
1997/ 6/28 15:26:51 [7] Pulling from
1997/ 6/28 15:26:51 [7] Pull completed, msgs = 0, rejects = 0
1997/ 6/28 15:27:21  group "planet.janet" added via XADDLIST
1997/ 6/28 15:27:52 [8] Pulling from
1997/ 6/28 15:27:54 [8] Pull completed, msgs = 0, rejects = 0

284 No logging to this connection

XGROUP Commands


XGROUP SET DESCRIPTION <group name> <description>

These commands are used to get and set the description for a group. Normally the group description is set when the group is created (a description line is included in every NEWGROUP control article). However, if you're just setting up a server, you'll need use these commands to set the descriptions for long existing newsgroups.

xgroup set description This is an example description.
211 group description set

xgroup get description
212 This is an example description.

XGROUP GET EXPIRY <group name>

XGROUP SET EXPIRY <group name> <expiration period in days>

RumorMill normally expires articles when they reach a certain age. An article can have an explicit expiration date declared in the article, or it can be expired using one of two expiration "defaults." Each group in RumorMill can have a default expiration period. If this value is non-zero and an article has no explicit expiration date, RumorMill sets the expiration date to be the date of receipt plus the group expiration period. If the group expiration period is zero, the "Article Expiration Period" preference is used.

xgroup set expiry 7
211 group EXPIRY set

xgroup get expiry
212 7


XGROUP SET EXPLODER <group name> <EMail addresses to mail posting to>

RumorMill can forward articles added to the database to specific groups to a list of EMail addresses. This feature should be used carefully since setting up an EMail list for an active group can create quite a bit of EMail. Also be aware of setting up EMail address lists for groups that are often cross posted. RumorMill attempts to eliminate sending duplicate EMails for a single article, but in some circumstances, it cannot avoid it.

xgroup set exploder comp.sys.mac.announce
211 group email set

xgroup get exploder comp.sys.mac.announce


XGROUP SET MODERATOR <group name> <Group submission EMail address>

Newsgroups can be moderated. A moderated group does not allow direct posting to the group. Instead the server EMails the posting to a group submission EMail address (a moderator). If the moderator approves the article, the moderator will repost the article to the group with an "Approved" field added. The commands above are used to set and get the EMail submission address for a given group. Note that the set command also will set (or clear) the moderated flag for a news group. If the <Group submission EMail address> is empty, the group is marked as unmoderated.

xgroup set moderator
211 group moderator (un)set

xgroup get moderator


This command can be used to see if a given group is permanent or not. When virtual groups are enabled, a permanent group cannot become virtual due to lack of use. Please note: This command is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.


This command is used to set (or unset) whether a given group is permanent or not. Permanent groups do not become virtual due to lack of use. Please note: This command is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.


This command is used to determine if a given group is virtual or active. Please note: This command is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.


Caution: Use this command with care. It will likely add thousands of groups to your database! Please note: This command is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.

This command will:
  1. initiate connections to all remote servers marked as PULL or upstream
  2. retrieve the total list of groups from that site
  3. add each of those groups to the local database, subject to the VirtualGroupFilter preference

XMAKEFWD <remote server>

This command can be used to construct a forwarding file for remote server that is already configured. When the command is received by RumorMill, the "<remote server>" is verifed and then the entire database is scanned for articles that should be forwarded to that remote server. The groups specified in the "groupsToSend" list is honored when this command is executed.

XKILL connection_index | -1

This command can be used to kill connections to the RumorMill server. The XSTATS command can used to get a list of active connections. The connection numbers in the XSTATS response can be used to selectively kill connections. A value of -1 can be used to kill all connections except the connection issuing the XKILL command.

299 Did it


This command will report the maximum number of remote servers and site restrictions this version of RumorMill will support. The final value is the number of active groups.
280 maxAddrMasks:20,maxremoteServers:16,ngroups:637

XDELETEARTICLE <message-id> | <range>

This command is a RumorMill extension that will delete articles from the message-id and article index databases without adding the deleted articles to the canceled database. It is a convenient way remove articles from your database without going through the overhead of creating articles to cancel the articles.


This command will delete the article file that would next be deleted for expiration. If you're tight on disk space, this command is the best way to quickly free up some disk space. Successive invocations will continue to delete the article file nearest to reaching expiration until no article files remain.

XPREF Commands


XPREF GET <preference name>


These commands set the majority of the preferences in RumorMill. Most Preferences and their values are revealed with xpref list:

xpref list

Admin OKs Group Deletes longint 1       0       2
Admin OKs New Groups    longint 1       0       2
Allow Old Articles      longint 0       0       1
Article Expiration Period       longint 180     1       3650
Article File Window     longint 15      1       365
Auto delete article files       longint 0       0       2
Automatic Expiration    longint 0       0       1
Background Quantum      longint 4       1       50
CHECK Threshold longint 10000   1       1000000000
Compact Period By Group Index   longint 3       1       365
Compact Period Canceled longint 5       1       365
Compact Period Deferred longint 2       1       365
Compact Period Group    longint 5       1       365
Compact Period MessageID        longint 5       1       365
Compact Period User     longint 11      1       365
Connection retry count  longint 0       0       10
Database synch count    longint 30      1       500
Database synch interval longint 30      1       600
Date Bounds     longint 180     1       3660
Detailed Logging        longint 1       0       1
Disk space threshold    longint 10      2       100000000
EMail Add Reply-to      longint 0       0       1
EMail Control Msgs      longint 1       0       1
EMail Interval  longint 480     1       1439
EMail Map       map
EMail Server Group Changes      longint 1       0       1
EMail Statistics        longint 1       0       1
Enable group cache      longint 1       0       1
Enable streaming receive        longint 1       0       1
Enable streaming send   longint 1       0       1
Enable virtual groups   longint 0       0       1
Flood Interval  longint 30      1       1439
Foreground Quantum      longint 6       1       50
Garbage Collect Quantum longint 3       1       50
Garbage Collect Time    longint 12900   0       235900
Help note       Str255  Test system. Go away.
Hide control group      longint 1       0       1
Host path name  Str255  testing123
Inject Interval longint 5       1       1439
Limit IHAVE     longint 1       0       1
Log File Name   Str255  RumorMill log
Log Rejected Msgs       longint 1       0       1
Log unknown groups      longint 1       0       1
Max Article File Size   longint 15      1       2000
Max Article Gap longint 300     1       100000
Max Article Size        longint 250000  2000    10000000
Max Clients     longint 10      1       100
Max Expiration Delta    longint 180     1       3650
Max Feeds       longint 3       0       20
Max Idle Period longint 0       0       240
Max Logfile Size        longint 128     10      20000
Max Msgs Per Connection longint 10000   1       100000
Max Newsgroups Per Msg  longint 50      1       40000
Max Open Article Files  longint 30      5       1000
NAT host name   Str255
NNSP Server port        longint 433     0       100000
No NEXT longint 1       0       1
Only propagate local postings   longint 0       0       1
PAT permitted   longint 1       0       1
POP Interval    longint 30      1       1439
POP account     Str255  test
POP host        Str255
POP password    Str255  ****
Pull Interval   longint 30      1       1439
Read Only       longint 0       0       1
Remote Servers  rmsv
Require Login   longint 2       0       2
SMTP host       Str255
SPAM if chrh
SPAM if not     chrh
Server mode     longint 1       0       1
Server port     longint 119     1       100000
Site Address Restrictions       restrictions
Site Password   Str255  ****
Status window update rate       longint 5       1       10000
Sys Admin EMail Addr    Str255
SysLog IP Addr  Str255
SysLog Port     longint 514     1       32000
SysLog Priority longint -1      -1      7
Text PWD        longint 0       0       1
Use alternate AUTHINFO codes    longint 0       0       1
User EMail Header       Str255
User Header     Str255
Virtual Group Filter    chrh
Virtual group threshold longint 2       1       255

Each line in the response from XPREF LIST has five (5) fields. The fields are: the preference name, the preference data type, the current value, the minimum value, and the maximum value. More information for each preference can be obtained by using the XPREF GET <preference name> command.


Gives you some statistics on what has been going on within RumorMill.

277 Current information follows
RumorMill version 1.3b10
RumorMill started:  18 Jun 2001 21:26:34 -0400
Current local time: 18 Jun 2001 21:33:06 -0400
Last expiration at:  1 Dec 2000  1:29:00 -0400
Group RAM Cache is active, Free mem = 3959600 bytes
Statistics for today/total
IHAVEs: 0/0
Pulled: 0/0
TakeThis: 0/0
POSTs: 0/0
Connects: 1/1
Forwarded: 0/0
Line Count: 3/3
Msgs not entered into DB: 0/0
EMail sent: 0/0
EMails posted: 0/0
Active connections: 3
   [4] EMail:  3s
   [1] Server:  30m 3s Idle: 18m 6s
   [0] Server:  1h 10m 3s
Disk space health: Good
Each active connection lists a connection type (EMail and Server in the example above). The possible connection types are as follows:
Client/push Pushing news to a downstream feed.
EMail Forwarding queued EMail to an SMTP server.
Get group info Retrieving information from a pull server to advise the System Administrator of changes in groups at that server.
nnsp Serving an nnsp client
POP EMail retreival Retrieving EMail for the EMail -> News gateway
Server Acting as a server for a client or an upstream news feed.
Slave/pull Pulling news from an upstream feed.

XCOMPACTDB <database flags>

This command is used to remotely initiate database compaction. It is equivalent to using the Compact Databases... command on RumorMill's File menu. The database flags are used to indicate which databases to attempt to compact. They are encoded as follows:
		Articles = 1
		Canceled = 2
		Deferred = 4
		GroupIndices = 8
		Groups = 16
		Users = 32
		Article IDs = 64
So if one wanted to compact the Article and the Groups databases, the following command should be issued.
xcompactdb 17
299 Compaction to start shortly
** Server Closed Connection **
Note that your connection is immediately terminated after issuing the command. All other users will also be disconnected from the server after about one minute.


This is equivalent to using the Expire Database command on RumorMill's File menu. Note that your connection to the server is immediately terminated. All other users will be disconnected within 5 minutes of issuing the command.
290 Expiration now pending

About the Preferences

Site Administration Preferences

Article Expiration Period

If a article doesn't have an Expires field, and the relevant group(s) don't have an expiration period set, this is the default period of time it is allowed to exist in the article database. The value is expressed in days. RumorMill remembers the message-id of expired articles for an equal interval of time. This helps handle articles that arrive from multiple sources, some of which are much slower than others.

Automatic Expiration

This preference enables or disables (set to zero) the automatic expiration feature of RumorMill. When enabled, RumorMill will examine articles in the database on a periodic basis to determine which articles should be expired (removed from the database). See also Garbage Collect Time.

Date Bounds

For a POSTed article to be considered valid, the date field must be within this delta of the current time. This is used as an anti-spam measure. Specified value is in days.

EMail Interval

Occasionally when RumorMill attempts to send EMail, the specified SMTP server may not be available. In these cases, RumorMill will periodically check to see if the SMTP server is available to forward queued EMail. This preference controls how often this check is performed. Value is specified in minutes.

Flood Interval

The default time between attempts to send new articles to "downstream" servers. This value is in minutes. 2 hours or above (120 minutes) seems reasonable, although some UNIX INN systems seem to use 1 hour. Each downstream server specified can have an individually specified flood interval that can override this default.

Garbage Collect Time

This is the time of day that RumorMill will peform expiration processing each day.

Help note

This string is appended to the result of the "help" command. Normally the string should contain something like "Report problems to"

Hide control group (via Telnet only)

Many users found the control group confusing when it appeared in their news reader. This preference determines whether or not the group named control is visible to clients of RumorMill. The Hide control group is defaulted on (set to 1).

Inject Interval

The time in minutes between attempts to take articles from the folder "Articles to Inject" and add them to the local database.


When non-zero, the IHAVE command is valid only for clients with a specified newsfeed server address. This should be set to non-zero to prevent inappropriate addition of articles to the database.

Max Newsgroups Per Msg

Specifies the maximum number of newsgroups to recognize within a single received article. When the article is being processed, if this number is exceeded, the article is rejected. This prevents massive cross-posting into your local database.

Max Article Size

Any article received that is larger that this setting (in bytes) is accepted (provider is given a positive response), but the article is discarded. The message-id is entered into the database to prevent additional downloads of this article.

Max Logfile Size

This preference limits the size of the RumorMill log file. It is expressed in K bytes. When detailed logging is enabled, RumorMill interprets this limit as 4 times the specified size.

NNSP Server Port (via Telnet only)

NNSP is a news server to news server protocol. This preference specifies the IP port for NNSP. The RFC specifies port 433. Setting this value to zero (0) will disable listening for NNSP connections.

Only propagate local postings

When set to non-zero, this preference prevents articles received from upstream servers (either active pull or receive modes) from being forwarded to any downstream servers. However, locally posted articles are forwarded to downstream servers. Locally posted articles are those delivered to the running RumorMill server by way of a POST command (which is what news reader clients like Netscape or Newsreader use).

Pull Interval

The default time between attempts to retrieve articles from "pull" servers. This value is in minutes. Each specified server can have an individually specified pull period that will override this default.

Read Only

If this has a non-zero value, posting is not permitted. readOnly currently means that POST is disallowed, but IHAVE is allowed (subject to Limit IHAVE setting).

Require Login

You can require users to have passwords by setting Require Login to non-zero. Require Login has three valid settings as follows:

0 No authentication is required for a client to use the services of RumorMill.
1 Authentication required for any use of the server.
2 Authentication required to post to the server. Said another way, unless authenticated, the client has read-only access to the server.

Server Mode

Certain conditions may cause RumorMill to notify the system administrator of error or anomalous behavior. When this preference is set to non-zero, RumorMill will not display such conditions using modal dialogs. Normally this preference is enabled after RumorMill has been running in a stable manner for a period of time.

Site Password

This is the password for the extended commands available in RumorMill. The extended commands include those for getting and setting preferences.

SysLog IP Addr

This is the IP address of a host running a syslog deamon. RumorMill will send logging data to this host as specified by the SysLog Priority preference. The IP address should be specified as a dotted quad, e.g.,

SysLog Port

This is the port number that the syslog deamon is listening on. The default is port 514.

SysLog Priority

This specifies the message priority that should be sent to the syslog deamon. The value of -1 disables syslog logging. Syslog protocol uses 0 as the most serious of log items, while 7 is considered debugging information. Setting it to 6 will log all but debugging information.

SPAM control

A number of RumorMill's preferences can be used to help limit SPAM. These preferences are:

Server Configuration

EMail Add Reply-to

This preference controls whether or not RumorMill adds a Reply-to header in EMail that it sends (News -> EMail gateway). Setting it to non-zero enables the feature. However, this preference has no effect if the POP Account and POP Host preferences are not set.

Host path name

If this preference has a value, it is used instead of the local host name in various places in the article headers (particularly in the Path: header). Provided for servers that do not have an assigned name either because of dynamically assigned IP addresses, or do not have a DNS entry.

Inject Interval

This preferences specifies how often RumorMill should check the "Articles to Inject" folder for articles to be added to the database. Files placed in this folder must have one article per file and must be properly formated for a valid USENET article.

Remote Servers

A description of remote NNTP servers. Currently RumorMill can support definitions of up to sixteen (16) remote servers. [Note that XMAX command can be used to determine what this value is for your version of RumorMill.] Each server can be denoted as an upstream server (one that provides articles to your copy of RumorMill via IHAVE), a downstream server (a remote server that your RumorMill provides articles to via IHAVE), or both. Pull can also be specified to indicate that RumorMill is to act like a client (or slave) when interacting with the remote server. To have articles pushed back to the remote server, downstream should be specified with pull.

Each entry can also have a list of news groups to forward to the downstream server and groups to exclude from the upstream server. If the groups to send list is empty, all groups known to your RumorMill are forwarded. If the groups to exclude list is empty, no group articles are discarded.

Also see the example.

Site Address Restrictions

This resource controls who can use your news server. The resource should be configured as pairs that describe a mask to be applied to the address of a connecting client, and the acceptable result of masking the incoming IP address. An example: assume your site has addresses in the 9.3.x.x and the 10.12.4.x ranges.

By specifying the Site Restriction resource as,,,, only connections from these address ranges will be accepted by RumorMill. (At present there can be at most 20 result/mask pairs in this resource). N.B. creating a single pair of, a client from any site can connect and is strongly discouraged. By default, RumorMill will create an entry that will allow any machine with a class C IP address like RumorMill's to connect (effectively X.Y.Z.0,, where X.Y.Z are exactly the upper three octets of the host running RumorMill).

A "!" may preface the result IP address to negate the sense of the test; that is, disallow connections from any IP address matching the resulting IP address (after masking).

Note that an implicit entry is exists for any Remote Server (see below) that is marked as upstream (this entry is of the form W.X.Y.Z, where W.X.Y.Z is the IP address of the upstream remote server). This means that one need not create a site address restriction entry for each news feed.

Also see the example.


The host name or IP address of the SMTP server RumorMill is to use to send EMail. This is primarily used to send article submissions to the group moderator.

Sys Admin EMail Addr
The EMail address of the person maintaining this particular RumorMill server. The EMail address used by RumorMill to send information to the Sys Admin. At present, such EMailings include:
User EMail Header

If supplied, this line is added to outgoing articles that are being EMailed. In general, the user supplied header should start with "X-" if the header is not one of the EMail defined header. However, if the user uses a standard header, such as "Subject:", then RumorMill will rename the existing "Subject:" header to "X-NNTP-Subject:" and insert the user defined "Subject:" header.

If the article about to be EMailed has the following headers:
Subject: RumorMill Header Mapping
Newsgroups: local.testing
and the User EMail Header is defined as follows:
Subject: [^2] ^1
The resulting headers in the EMail sent are:
Subject: [local.testing] RumorMill Header Mapping
X-NNTP-Subject: RumorMill Header Mapping
Newsgroups: local.testing
The following fields can be substituted into a User EMail Header:
^1 Previous header contents
^2 Newsgroup(s) for which this article had EMail exploders defined
^3 Host name of the machine running RumorMill

Advanced settings

Admin OKs New Groups
This preference controls the processing of newgroup control articles. The permissible values and actions of this perference are as follows.
0 NEWGROUP articles will automatically be processed
1 NEWGROUP articles will be deferred for review by the system administrator
2 NEWGROUP articles will be ignored
Admin OKs Group Deletes
This preference controls the processing of rmgroup control articles. The permissible values and actions of this perference are as follows.
0 RMGROUP articles will automatically be processed
1 RMGROUP articles will be deferred for review by the system administrator
2 RMGROUP articles will be ignored
Allow Old Articles

Normally the "Date Bounds" preference is checked to see if articles being received (either forwarded to the server or the server is pulling) are "old." If the articles are old, or outside the date bounds, they are discarded upon receipt. If the "Allow Old Articles" preference is set to non-zero, then the "Date bounds" setting is ignored and the articles are added regardless of their age. This preference is normally set to non-zero if you're spooling a full database (or something like that) to a new RumorMill server. This preference is not used for POSTed articles (articles that a user adds from a newsreader). The recommended setting is zero.

Article File Window

Article files are organized such that all articles with expiration dates within a certain period of time (a window) are put into the same article file. This prefeference specifies the number of days that an article file may span. Smaller numbers allows more rapid expiration of article files, but create larger numbers of article files. Having more article files may decrease efficiency if the Max Open Article Files is smaller than the number of active article files.

Auto delete article files

This preference controls how RumorMill deals with article files once the available disk space drops below the "Disk space threshold" level. The status window will report this condition as disk health "bad". The preference has three possible settings as follows:

Value Action
0 No automatic deletion of article files
1 Delete article files about 1 per minute until disk health is no longer "bad"
2 Delete article files until disk health is no longer "bad"
Background Quantum

The number of ticks (1/60 of a second) that RumorMill may consume will running as a background task. Making this larger improves RumorMill performance when running as a background application at the expense of other applications.

CHECK Threshold

The streaming protocol allows the sender to check with the downstream server to see if it wants an article or not. Alternatively, the sender can just send the article. This preference controls the threshold (maximum article size) of articles that are sent without using the CHECK command. For slow connections, this probably shouldn't be larger than 1200 or so. For faster connections, 10,000 or so may be more appropriate. N.B.Some news servers do not function properly if the CHECK command is not used. If you are streaming to such a server, set this parameter to 1 to assure that the CHECK command will always be used.

Compact Period By Group Index

Specifies the number of days between attempts to compact the By Group Index database.

Compact Period Canceled

Specifies the number of days between attempts to compact the canceled message-id database.

Compact Period Deferred

Specifies the number of days between attempts to deferred control items database.

Compact Period Group

Specifies the number of days between attempts to compact the Groups database.

Compact Period MessageID

Specifies the number of days between attempts to compact the message-id database.

Compact Period User

Specifies the number of days between attempts to compact the a users database.

Connection Retry Count (via Telnet only)

If your copy of RumorMill is connecting to other servers via an on-demand PPP (or similar) connection, you may find that RumorMill is not reliably connecting to other servers (for news or email). This can happen when an on-demand PPP connection takes longer to establish than RumorMill's connection timeout. Setting the Connection Retry Count to greater than 0 may fix this situation. Try a value like 5 to start and use detailed logging to determine the actual number of retries required for reliable connections.

Database synch count (via Telnet only)

When the number of changes to a database file exceeds this threshold, the changes are forced to disk.

Database synch interval (via Telnet only)

When the age of changed data in a database file exceeds this threshold (in seconds), the changes are forced to disk.

Date Bounds (via Telnet only)

RumorMill requires that incoming articles be within a small window of the current time and date to be accepted. This preference sets +/- the number of days of the current date and time that is accepted.

Detailed Logging

If this has a non-zero value, a more detailed log file is written as commands are received from clients and servers. This can be temporarily changed with the Detailed Logging command on the file menu.

Disk Space Threshold

When the free disk space goes below this threshold setting, RumorMill begins to limit what actions it will perform. If the free disk space goes below one-half the disk space threshold, RumorMill will no longer allow posting.

EMail Control Msgs

Some articles contain the "Control:" or "Also-control:" headers. Among other things, such articles can direct that groups be added or removed. RumorMill provides preferences to select whether these control articles are immediately acted upon, deferred, or ignored (see Admin OKs New Groups and Admin OKs Group Deletes). When control articles are acted upon or deferred, RumorMill can send EMail to the system administrator containing the control article. RumorMill will send EMail when this preference is set to non-zero.

EMail Server Group Changes

When this preference is enabled (non-zero), each night after garbage collection is completed, RumorMill will query each remote server marked as a "pull" server. RumorMill checks for groups that are to be pulled from that server and notes if that group does not exist at the server. RumorMill also retrieves (via NEWGROUPS) a list of groups added to the server since the previous query. If any new or missing groups are found, an EMail is sent to the Sys Admin EMail Addr. Potentially one EMail will be sent for each remote server marked as "pull."

EMail Statistics

If this preference is set to non-zero, an email containing statistics will be sent to the Sys Admin EMail Addr whenever RumorMill is quit (from menu or QUITNOW), or when the nightly garbage collection completes.

Enable group cache

If sufficient RAM is available, RumorMill with cache all of the group data in RAM to improve performance. This preference can be used to enable/disable this capability.

Enable Streaming Receive

This preference controls whether or not RumorMill will accept streaming feeds from upstream servers. Setting the preference to 1 enables receipt of streamed articles. When set to zero, RumorMill will not accept the "MODE STREAM" command.

Enable Streaming Send

When set to one (1), RumorMill will attempt to forward articles using streaming. If the downstream server refuses the "MODE STREAM", RumorMill will automatically revert to using non-streaming forwarding.

Enable virtual groups

This preference enables/disables the virtual group feature. Please note: This preference is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.

Foreground Quantum

The number of ticks (1/60 of a second) that RumorMill may consume will running as a foreground task. Making this larger improves RumorMill performance when running as the front (selected) application at the expense of other applications.

Garbage Collect Quantum (via Telnet only)

This preference sets the amount of time (in ticks, or 1/60th of a seconds) that garbage collection (or database maintainence tasks) can consume in a single burst of execution. This value should be kept small so that your server remains responsive while these tasks are underway.

Log File Name (via Telnet only)

Name of the log file.

Log Rejected Msgs

If this has a non-zero value, all articles that RumorMill rejects for some kind of formatting error will be appended to a file called "Rejected Article".

Max Article File Size

This preference sets (approximately) the maximum size of each article file. A large maximum is appropriate for installations receiving large volumes of articles. N.B.: This is specified in megabytes. RumorMill does not support article files greater than 2GB in size, nor does it have any need to since there are now multiple article files.

Max Article Gap (via Telnet only)

This preference can be adjusted to optimize performance when pulling articles from a server. RumorMill maintains a notion of which article number to next pull from a each group. When RumorMill is initially installed, or restarting after a long period of inactivity, RumorMill must decide which article to pull next. Often servers do not keep a particularly accurate notion of which articles are in the database.

When RumorMill issues a GROUP command to the remote server, the reply includes the following information for the group: the article low water mark the article high water mark and the count. In ideal situations, the high water mark minus the low water mark would be equal to the count. But that never happens. In actual practice, the count can be much smaller than the difference between the high water mark and the low water mark. When this happens, RumorMill is stuck stepping one article by one article trying to find the next valid article at the server. In some situations, this can take a very long time.

To help with this situation, RumorMill uses the Max Article Gap preference to limit how many articles it actually tries to get from given group. Basically, if RumorMill thinks it has more than Max Article Gap articles to pull for a single group, RumorMill adjusts the article number it asks for to essentially be the high water mark minus Max Article Gap.

Max Clients

Maximum number of clients that RumorMill will service (simultaneously).

Max Expiration Delta

Some articles have unreasonable expiration dates specified. This preference can be used to limit how far into the future an Expires header may specify. The preference is specified in days. Please note: This preference is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.

Max Feeds (via Telnet only)

Maximum number of downstream newservers than RumorMill will forward and/or pull articles to/from simultaneously.

Max Idle Period

The maximum time a connection (from a reader or a downstream feed) can be inactive before it is closed by RumorMill. The value is specified in seconds. If zero (0) is supplied, connections will never time out. [Note that setting this to a small value may cause connections to time out before some time consuming operations can complete.]

Max Msgs Per Connection (via Telnet only)

Specifies the maximum number of articles to forward to a downstream server on a single connection.

Max Open Article Files

This preference controls the number of article files RumorMill may have open at any one time. Under MacOS 9 and later systems this setting is not so critical as the maximum number of open files is dramatically increased. Please note: This preference is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.

NAT host name

Sometimes a system administrator may wish to run a RumorMill server behind a firewall or Network Address Translator (NAT). This allows the server to run on a machine that is not fully exposed to the Internet. Normally the firewall or NAT will port map news traffic (nntp protocol on port 119) to a machine behind the firewall.

However, if this is done, RumorMill will report the name of the machine behind the firewall in the greeting and in article postings. THe NAT host name can be used so that RumorMill will report the name of the firewall or NAT host instead. For this to work, the specified name must be a valid host name - that is, RumorMill must be able to look up the name and get an IP address for it.

No NEXT (via Telnet only)

Normally when pulling articles from a group RumorMill issues a NEXT command to determine which article it should next attempt to pull for a given group. The server reply to NEXT includes the message-id for the next article. RumorMill checks to make sure that this message-id isn't in the database, if it is, it issues another NEXT command, if not, an ARTICLE command is issued to retrieve the article.

In some cases this can be slow because there are two round trips to the server (the NEXT and its response and the ARTICLE and its response) to complete a transaction. The advantage is not pulling articles already in the database. However, based on the network capabilities between the computer running RumorMill and the remote server, it may, in some circumstances, be faster to forgo the NEXT command. The No NEXT when set to one will eliminate sending the NEXT command.

Performance with No NEXT on or off will vary widely from installation to installation. For instance, if RumorMill is pulling groups that are heavily cross-posted, using No Next means that articles will be pulled from the server multiple times.

PAT Permitted

This preference allows/disallows the use of the XPAT command. Since these commands can consume arbitrarily large amounts of processor time, some system administrators may elect to disable the use of the XPAT command.


The SPAM If preference considers any article SPAM if it contains any of the groups specified in this list. Any article with a matching group name will be discarded and not entered into the article database. Please note: This preference is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.


The SPAM If Not preference considers any article SPAM if the incoming article does not contain at least one of the groups specified in this list. Any article without a matching group name will be discarded and not entered into the article database. Please note: This preference is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.

Status window update rate

This preference specifies how often (in seconds) the status window is updated. Please note: This preference is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.

Text PWD

This preference is meant for temporary operation only. When adding a large number of users to RumorMill, it may be convient to type up the user list in a file rather than entering them one by one via RumorMill Setup. The problem is that the "Create Users..." command in RumorMill expects the passwords to be encoded rather than clear text and there is no way to create such a file by hand. Setting this preference to one (1) instructs the "Create Users..." command to interpret the passwords as clear text and convert them to encoded form. This preference should normally be set to zero (0). Please note: This preference is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.

Use alternate AUTHINFO codes (via Telnet only)

The IETF NNTP protocol group is revising the current practices document. Client software should accept the older AUTHINFO response codes, but may also accept the newer response codes. In the odd circumstance that you user's client software only accepts the newer AUTHINFO codes (x5x rather than x8x), setting this preference to non-zero will switch to using the newer response codes.

User Header

A system administrator may wish to add a header to every article posted at her server. The "User Header" may be used for this purpose. The header must start with "X-", and must contain a ": " with at least one trailing character. In other words, a minimally acceptable user header is something like "X-: Z". Something more descriptive like "X-complaints-to:" is recommended.

Virtual Group Filter

This preference is used when initializing the virtual group capability by downloading the group list from a remote server (pull). Only groups matching this specification will be added to the group database.

Specifications of the form *,!*microsoft*,!*hipcrime* are permitted. This specification would allow any group except ones containing microsoft or hipcrime in the group name. Please note: This preference is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.

Virtual Group Threshold

For a virtual group to become active (articles will either be pulled or accepted from a feed), the number of recent (within 24 hours) references to the group (a client attempted to read it) must exceed this threshold. Please note: This preference is not implemented in the RumorMill Setup application.

Preferences for the EMail -> News gateway

EMail Map

The EMail Map preference is used when EMail is received by RumorMill that has no Newsgroups header specified. When this occurs, RumorMill looks through the EMail Map for the first header that can be found in the received EMail. If a header from the map is found, the matching newsgroups are inserted into the EMail as a header. RumorMill looks to find the header tag (the part to the left of the colon) and if found, the sees if the part to the right of the colon appears anywhere in the header line (a "contains" match).

xpref set
389 Send preference data; end with <crlf>.<crlf>
email map
X-Sender: tandem@hobbes

xpref get email map
288 Preference data follows
Name:EMail Map
Description:EMail header to newsgroup map table
Header:Sender: tandem@hobbes

The example above sets up two EMail headers to look for, a "Sender:" header that contains the string "", or an "X-Sender:" that contains "tandem@hobbes". If one of the entries is found, the corresponding "Newsgroups: " header will be added to the incoming article before attempting to add the article to the article database.

Specifying an empty EMail Map deletes the current information.

POP account

A POP account is required when configuring RumorMill to post articles via EMail. This account will recieve all EMail messages that are to be posted as articles.

POP host

A POP server is required when configuring RumorMill to post articles via EMail. This preference specifies the name of the host running a POP3 server. The name may be suffixed with a port number if the POP server is running on an alternate port (the default is 110).

POP Interval

Sets the frequency that RumorMill will check a POP account for incoming EMail postings.

POP password

Specifies the password to the POP account.

Detailed information

Managing database size

There are a number of factors that influence the size of RumorMill's database. The most important of these is how many groups are active and the number of articles posted to each group. Without any intervention, the various files in the RumorMill database would grow until the hard disk(s) is (are) completely full.

RumorMill has features to help the adminstrator avoid filling up disks with the RumorMill database. The primary mechanism is that of expiration - deciding after some period of time that articles are no longer relevant and deleting them from the database. See Automatic Expiration and Article Expiration Period for details.

However, deleting articles from RumorMill's database does not automatically make disk space available for other applications. That is, RumorMill's database files, in general, never shrink in size. For some users this is undesirable.

When sufficient disk space is available, RumorMill will periodically attempt to shrink its data files by copying active entries to a new copy of the database file and then deleting the old copy. For this process to be successful, RumorMill requires enough space to completely copy the existing database file. Space for a full copy is required because RumorMill does not know in advance how much shrinkage will be achieved - and it is possible that no shrinkage will occur.

It is useful to note that various files of the RumorMill database can be spread across multiple volumes. Simply put an alias to the real database file in the database folder. RumorMill honors the alias for all functions, including attempting to leave some space free on each volume (see Disk Space Threshold) and rebuilding database files on the indicated (by the alias) volume.

Expiration Description

Expiration in RumorMill is made of of several parts. Rather than doing all steps of the expiration every day, RumorMill spreads this process out over several days. The table below describes this process.

Preference Processing performed
Compact Period By Group Index Number of days between compacting the "By Group Index" file
Compact Period Canceled Number of days between compacting the "Canceled" file
Compact Period Deferred Number of days between compacting the "Deferred Control IDs" file
Compact Period Group Number of days between compacting the "Groups" file
Compact Period MessageID Number of days between compacting the "MessageIDs" file
Compact Period User Number of days between compacting the "Users" file


Stripping headers when forwarding articles

Some newservers (including RumorMill) object to having certain headers in existence when the POST command is used. RumorMill can run afoul of this when substituting POST for IHAVE to a downstream server. Code was added to delete headers in this situation based on a resource description rather than being hard coded. STR# 506 resource contains the list of headers to be deleted when using POST to relay articles to a downstream server. RumorMill ships with the list set to "Xref", "Sender", and "NNTP-Posting-Host"


The overview format can be changed in RumorMill. At startup RumorMill looks for a STR# resource named OVERVIEW.FMT in the Preferences file. If found, it will use the contents (each header is one entry in the STR# resource) for the fields of the OVERVIEW format. Each string should include the trailing colon for the header, e.g., 'Date:'. If an entry ends with an asterix (*), then the overview field for that header will include the header name. N.B.: RumorMill will always force 'Message-ID:' to be in the OVERVIEW format.

Why would you change the overview format? It's possible that a special header (perhaps even non-standard) used at your site would be helpful to have in the overview. (For example, this header might be used for automatic filtering by your news reader.) In this case you might add that header to the OVERVIEW.FMT. In another case, one or more headers might create problems for some software package you are using. In this case you could remove headers from the OVERVIEW.FMT.

RumorMill Files

RumorMill uses a large number of files to implement the functionality required of a NNTP server. Most of these files are kept in the Databases folder within the same folder as the RumorMill application. The names and purposes of these files and folders within the Databases folder are as follows.

Articles folder
This folder contains all of the article files. Each file contains a collection of articles spanning a fixed period of time. Article expiration occurs by deleting these files.
The format of these files appears to be simple text. It is not simple text, and no attempt should be made to manipulate these files. The files are highly structured and other files described below contain offset indices into these article files.
Articles to Inject folder
RumorMill will periodically check for the existance of files in this folder (if the folder exists). Any visible file will be read and handled as if it had been recieved via a normal connection. This feature is provided to allow users to insert articles into the database that were previously rejected or discard for some reason - usually because RumorMill had previously been configured in a manner that would not allow the article's inclusion in the database.
Contains message IDs for canceled articles. This database is used to insure that previously canceled articles are not recreated by tardy delivery from another newsfeed.
Deferred Control IDs
This file contains the IDs of all articles that contain Control: or Also-control: headers that were not processed at the time the article was received.
Downstream spool
This folder contains files of the message IDs that are to be forwarded to downstream servers. There are three forms the files that may be found within the folder. Each file name is constructed from the downstream host's name and prefixed by either "q-" "noq-" or "unq-". These are text files that can be inspected with a text editor. The files may also be deleted - the result will be that those articles will never be forwarded to that server.
Several things should be noted about these files.
  1. You should not be looking at them with an editor or other tool while RumorMill is running. This may cause the file to be not writable when RumorMill attempts to update the file. This will cause articles not to be forwarded!
  2. Data is written to these files in batches (that is it's cached within RumorMill to keep from constantly opening and closing the files). If you run a simple test, don't expect the file(s) to instantly show up.
This is the primary file that contains the queue of message IDs to be forwarded.
When forwarding articles to a downstream server, that server may reject (temporarily) some articles. When this happens, those message IDs are placed in this file. These article IDs are later merged back into the "q-" file.
When the forwarding process is in progress, the "q-" file is renamed to this (another q- may get created while the forwarding is in progress).
Group History
This file contains the creation date and time for each group. It is used to support NEWGROUPS command.
By Group Index
This file is used to map article indexes within a group to the message ID. (When a client asks for "ARTICLE 7235" RumorMill combines the group name and the article index and looks up the message ID to get the article from the Article file.)
This file contains all of the groups that RumorMill knows about. It also has entries for the group description and moderator information for each group.
Message IDs
This file is a database of all the known message IDs that occur in articles. This database is contains information telling RumorMill which article file contains each article.
Queued EMail
This folder holds all of the EMail queued by RumorMill (one file per EMail), but not yet sent to an SMTP server. In general there won't be much in this folder unless the SMTP server isn't available.
Slave Group Indexes
This file is used to remember the group article indexes for remote servers which are "pull" servers. This file can be deleted and RumorMill will recreate it. The effect will be to make RumorMill start at article 1 (one) for each group at each remote server the next time it pulls articles from the server. This isn't recommended because it will often take quite a while to get back in step with the remote server.
This is an optional file. If present, the contents of the Subscriptions file will be returned by the "LIST SUBSCRIPTIONS" command. This feature is used by some sites to provide a list of groups new users should subscribe to by default.
This file contains all the information about the users you've created for your copy of RumorMill.

There are two additional files that are kept in the Preferences folder within the System Folder. These are:

RumorMill Log
This is a text file that is a running log of RumorMill activity. Each connection is recorded as are errors and other events. Detailed information can also be logged to this file. See Detailed Logging.
RumorMill Preferences
This is the preference file for RumorMill. It contains all of the settings configured by RumorMill Setup or via a Telnet connection. RumorMill will also look for this file in the same folder as the application. If available, that will be used instead of the copy in the Preferences folder. Note well: it's a resource file and attempting to edit it directly will usually cause problems.

Startup Error Codes

Occasionally when starting, RumorMill will fail and report an error. The message codes for these errors and some possible reasons for them are listed below.

10   A database consistency error. The code is checking to see that if databases were created, the number created is consistent with the number of databases opened (initial creation of the databases versus an error). This usually happens if one of the main databases was renamed, deleted, or otherwise damaged.

11  A database internal consistency error. This usually results from running a new version of RumorMill on an old database. It can also occur when the database has become corrupted.

12   An error occurred initializing the overview (XOVER) database.

13   An error occurred initializing the client (pull) side of RumorMill.

14   An error occurred initializing the preferences. Usually caused by an old version of a preference file.

15   An error occurred getting the local host address/name. This usually occurs when the system has no IP address assigned (either statically or dynamically).

17   An error occurred initializing the expiration code.

19   An error occurred initializing the threads code. Usually this occurs when the thread manager isn't installed.

20   An error occurred setting up the IP listener on port 119. This can occur if another application is already running that has port 119 (e.g., another copy of RumorMill), or if the system is in a damaged state due to some kind of application or system fault.

21   An error occurred initializing the common component of the database system.


Originally, large chunks of this text were lifted from Brian Aslakson's Wonder Cheat Sheet. Many thanks to Brian for his enthusiasm, encouragement and criticism. And thanks to Bill Stewart-Cole for making me get my [JN] act together. :)

A special thanks to Peter Lewis of Stairways Software whose help and encouragement was essential to RumorMill happening at all. Jeremy Nelson also played an essential role by writing RumorMill Setup. And finally, Andrew Tomazos for his comments and insights.

And finally, thanks to the RumorMill users, whose suggestions, comments, bug reports, and criticisms have helped to make RumorMill better.

2nd July 1997, Jeremy Nelson.
7 October, 2001, Jim Calvin.

Last updated, 27 October 2002 /jc