Help: Photo Image Adjustments

Color Hints provides some simple tools for adjusting the white balance and brightness of photographs. Tapping on an area of pure white (or 18% gray) will adjust for white balance using that point as a color reference. This will remove color casts from artificial lighting or reflections of color from nearby objects.

Screenshot of photo before adjustment

Swatch Before Adjustment

Either tapping the Adjust photo or double tapping the photograph will start the adjustment process.

screenshot of adjusting a photo

Adjusting photographs

In this sample photograph, there is a greenish cast to the coat. Fortunately, a gray card was placed in the image. Adjust the white balance by tapping on the photograph where the white, or this case, the gray card is.

Screenshot of adjusting the white balance of a photo

After White Balance Adjustment

The adjusted image now looks much more like the actual coat. But the gray card is still in the image. Fortunately that can be cropped out by tapping the crop icon button.

Screenshot showing crop handles

Cropping the Photograph

Drag the crop buttons to position the crop rectangle to eliminate unwanted portions of the photograph. The center button can be used to drag the crop rectangle around. Pinch and pan gestures can be used to zoom and pan around on the photograph. Once the crop rectangle is set where you want it, tap the Use button.

screenshot after white balance and crop

After White Balance Adjustment and Cropping

When you are satisfied with the adjustments, tap the Done to update your Swatch. Tapping the Revert will discard any changes you made in adjustments

swatch after adjustment

Swatch After Adjustments